Major Publisher: Problem Resolved
Amos Media, the company that publishes Linn's Stamp News and the Scott Catalogs, did not print three issues of Scott Stamp Monthly and didn't have printed editions of recent catalogues and other supplies available. It blamed a "business dispute" with its printer, and now says the December issue of SSM will be mailed soon and new catalogues would be available early next year. Subscribers and advertisers will receive credits. More here.
The U.S. Postal Service calls it a "sneak preview," but it's really only 14 issues and nearly half of them are regular issues. In recent years, U.S. stamp programs have had more than twice that number of issues. We know some issues next year aren't mentioned yet. And some major anniversaries are missing from the 2025 program announced so far.
The headliners so far are Allen Toussaint (Black Heritage) and Betty White (second in an annual "Betty" series?), and a Keith Haring-design Love stamp.
U.S. 2025 Stamp Program
Last Updated November 28: Added Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express issues that we expect when those rates change in January.
What's missing? What subjects haven't been announced yet? Which ones should be announced. Weigh in here.
No Mail Rate Hike in January! The Postmaster General says it isn't necessary. Details here.
We're done: The 2024 U.S. stamp program is complete. The issues emphasized flowers, beauty, preservation and Black History, but some of the issues were just for fun.
U.S. 2024 Stamp Program
Last Updated December 3: Adds catalogue numbers for Winter Whimsy.
Latest USPS rates: Letters are now 73¢. Other rates are here.
USPS Raises Holiday Package Increase
It is in effect through January 19th and covers Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express, and Ground Advantage.
Canada's 2024 Stamp Program
Canada Post has completed issuing stamps for 2024. The final list is here.
Last Updated November 28. The final issue paid tribute to French Canadian authors, three of whom are still living.
But good luck getting the issue: Canada Post's unionized workers went out on strike right after the stamps were released.
Celebrating Winston Churchill
The new stamps capture events and words of one of Britain's most iconic figures. The eight stamps, issued on the 150th anniversary of his birth, feature both photographs and some of Churchill's most memorable quotes.
English Gives Notice to APS
The American Philatelic Society executive director says it's time to move on but not until after Great American Stamp Show 2025 in August. Will Scott go back into politics? Stay tuned.
Great Cathedrals of the UK
Royal Mail is celebrating the holidays with five stamps featuring cathedrals. in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Dutch Treat: Helping ChildrenPostNL's 2025 Children's Welfare stamps celebrates both a century of the charity program and resilience. One of the stamps includes a QR code that allows the sender of a letter or card to send a personal video message to the recipient. There's more here.
Robins Celebrate The HolidaysThe Dutch holiday stamps employ robins, a wink and a contemporary twist. (Robins? "Beloved birds that symbolize comfort and resilience.") And if you buy two sheets, PostNL will give you a Christmas ornament.
New AFDCS Executive
Debbie Gibson takes over as executive secretary of the American First Day Cover Society. The wife of a top FDC exhibitor, she has been attending AFDCS conventions for many years. Now she has to attend meetings, too!
Answers to Basic Exhibiting Q's
Columnist John Hotchner has done it all: Won gold medals, awarded gold medals, and chaired the judging committees at national exhibitions. He answers basic questions about exhibiting how it works and how you can find out more.
"Help! I just inherited this stamp collection!"
 Just been given Aunt Matilda's old stamp collection and don't know what to do with it? We can help.
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The Virtual Stamp Club has its own comments section as well as a Facebook Group. Or visit the former home of The VSC (1996-2013), now called The Stamp Collecting Forum.
"If this were a book we’d be be looking at Chapter 11."
VSC member Lawrence Sherman, MD
about the Amos Media financial problems
Last Updated December 4

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