Canada’s 2023 Stamp Program

Updated October 30th, subject to change. Some of the information may not have been confirmed by Canada Post, but the agency did confirm no Lunar New Year stamps in 2023.

All links open in a new window.

January 30
March 1
April 3
April 18
May 8
May 1
May 23
June 21
June 28
July 12
August 28
September 28
October 19
October 30
November 2
November 2
November 7
November 9
November 16
Chloe Cooley
Flowers: Ranunculus
Animal Mothers and Babies
King Charles III definitive
Community Foundation semi-postal (literacy)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Three Indigenous Leaders: Cournoyea, Manuel, Chalifoux
Denys Arcand
Let’s Take The Ferry!
“Women Who Made A Difference” / Quebec Feminists
National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (4 stamps)
Donald Sutherland
Willie O’Ree
Madonna and Child
Holiday: Winter Scenes
Mona Parsons (was “Courageous Canadian WWII resistance fighter”)

A mailing from Canada Post implies this is the end of the 2023 stamp programme. No mention was made of the previously-listed “A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.”

5 thoughts on “Canada’s 2023 Stamp Program

  1. Please tell me that is not really a beta proof of the King Chuck III stamp? Oh my that looks bad.

    • It’s not really a beta proof. It’s my creation, and I didn’t put too much effort into it. Maybe it’ll goad Canada Post into showing us the real thing. (HA!)

  2. Hello,
    Canada Post’s idea of keeping the stamps a secret until the day of issue (in most cases) is absolutely retarded. It makes zero sense. Collectors will buy them anyway and the rest don’t care. Who took this “brilliant” decision beats me.

      • Not that I was servicing many copies for many issues, but this policy has caused me to really cut back on the Canadian issues for which I produce my Dragon Cards FDCs. I can’t design the cards until I am certain of the subject, the format/size and colors.

        Add to that the long time for FDC servicing. For the last Hanukkah stamp, I took a chance and sent my Cards to the FDC Processing Center in Antigonish several weeks before the stamp was issued. I got them back in January. There isn’t much interest in Christmas or Chanukkah in January and sales suffered.

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