AFDCS Declares National Cachetmakers Day

[press release]

AFDCS Declares National Cachetmakers Day
Saturday August 17, 2024 to Coincide with GASS Cachetmakers Bourse

American First Day Cover Society president Lloyd A. de Vries has issued a Presidential Proclamation, designating Saturday, August 17, as National Cachetmakers Day. It coincides with the cachetmakers bourse at Great American Stamp Show 2024 in Hartford, Conn., and a special postmark will be available at the show. [shown on right]

“Every day is ‘national something day’ — usually several somethings —and apparently anyone can proclaim such a designation,” explains de Vries. “I am the AFDCS president, so that makes this a Presidential Proclamation.”

First day covers are like a birth certificate for a stamp, with the postmark for the first day that the stamp or postal stationery was available for sale. In many countries, the postal agency produces these “FDCs” but in the U.S., collectors are encouraged to do so themselves.

Cachets are the designs on the envelopes or cards used for first day covers. The cachets add to the theme or subject of the stamp or postal issue, either with clever artwork, interesting information or in some cases, neither. Cachets started appearing on envelopes as advertising around the time of the U.S. Civil War, and the first intended specifically for first day covers was created in 1923.

“We’re having fun,” says de Vries, a cachetmaker himself. “I’m sure not doing it for the money.”

The AFDCS is the largest not-for-profit first day cover society in the world, with members in more than a dozen countries. It publishes an award-winning journal, First Days, six times a year, as well as handbooks, catalogues and You-Tube videos; holds fundraising auctions; is a co-sponsor of the annual Great American Stamp Show, conducts an annual cachetmaking contest; and encourages philatelic exhibiting and writing about FDCs.

For more information about the AFDCS, visit, e-mail or write the AFDCS at Post Office Box 27, Greer, SC 29652-0027.


AFDCS Counting Down to Member 30,000

[press release]
AFDCS Counting Down to Member Milestone
Awarding 30,000 Pennies to Lucky New Member And Proposer

The American First Day Cover Society will give a lucky new member and whoever proposes that member each a $300 credit — the equivalent of 30,000 pennies — to welcome member #30,000.

The winners can spend their prizes on the website, buying FDCs, catalogues and handbooks; joining, renewing or upgrading their memberships; paying for successful AFDCS auction bids; and more. The complete rules are on our website. (No, you cannot join, quit, and join again to try to hit #30,000! And your dog is not eligible.)

The AFDCS today does not have 30,000 members: It is closer to 1,200. Some numbers may have been skipped; some people may have received more than one number over the years; and, of course, some former members no longer collect.

Member #1 was Richard S. Bohn, who was one of the philatelic leaders who came up with the idea of a national society for first day cover collectors. Unfortunately, he passed away within a year after the founding in 1955. The earliest still active membership number is 10, Gerald Strauss [left], the first editor of First Days.

The AFDCS is the largest not-for-profit first day cover society in the world, with members in more than a dozen countries. It publishes an award-winning journal, First Days, six times a year, as well as handbooks, catalogues and You-Tube videos; holds fundraising auctions; is a co-sponsor of the annual Great American Stamp Show, conducts an annual cachetmaking contest; and encourages philatelic exhibiting and writing about FDCs.

For more information about the AFDCS, visit, e-mail or write the AFDCS at Post Office Box 27, Greer, SC 29652-0027.

Wide Variety of Covers in AFDCS Auction 98

The American First Day Cover Society’s latest fund-raising auction is now online: All 1,200 lots are illustrated in color at The sale will close a minute before midnight on June 23, 2024.

The lots offered range from a matched set of George Washington Bicentennial (Sc. 704-715) FDCs with the seldom-seen William Rabin cachet (Lot 28, shown on the right) to bulk lots (“Bundles of Fun”). Lot 388 is an Express Mail booklet pane of 3 (Sc. 1909a) on a House of Farnam variety (shown below left). Another lot has a rare variety of the first ArtCraft cachet (for the New York World’s Fair stamp, Sc. 853. Featured cachetmakers in this auction are Bevil, Collins, 6º, Carruthers Hays, Doris Gold (including artwork), Pugh, Carol Gordon, Crosby, Fluegel, and Peterman.

The offerings are not just first day covers: There are presidential inauguration covers dating back to 1929, as well as ceremony programs, first-day postmarked ephemera, and oversized FDCs and cards.

These auctions are held twice a year, with all the lots donated to the organization. Bidding is open to non-members as well as members, and bids may be submitted by regular mail, email, or — easiest of all — the “webform” on the website. The Terms of Sale can be found at

The AFDCS is the largest not-for-profit first day cover society in the world, with members in more than a dozen countries. It publishes an award-winning journal, First Days, six times a year, as well as handbooks, catalogues and You-Tube videos, and is a co-sponsor of the annual Great American Stamp Show. It holds an annual cachetmaking contest (many of whose winners are offered in this auction) and encourages philatelic exhibiting and writing about FDCs.

For more information about the AFDCS, visit, e-mail or write the AFDCS at Post Office Box 27, Greer, SC 29652-0027.

Kelley New Editor at U.S. Specialist

A short announcement on the website of the U.S. Stamp Society says that Andrew Kelley of Denver will take the reins at the philatelic organization’s journal, effective with the March 2024 issue. He replaces Martin Kent Miller, who has been the editor since 2019. No reason was given.

Kelley recently received the Society’s 2023 Hopkinson Literature Award. His article “Authenticating Scott 530c — Triple Impression on the Three Cent Offset” appeared in the May 2023 issue of The Specialist.

The U.S. Stamp Society was founded in 1926 as the Philatelic Plate Number Association, but was known as the Bureau Issues Association from 1930 to 2000. Its members specialize in collecting U.S. stamps.

January 2024 AFDCS Cachetmakers Directory Available Free

[press release]
Free AFDCS Current Cachetmakers Directory Updated

A new edition of the American First Day Cover Society’s AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers is now available. The January 2024 version can be downloaded for free. Printed versions are available for $5.00 postpaid from AFDCS Sales, PO Box 44, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 or may be ordered from the AFDCS website.

Compiled by John White of North Carolina, the directory seeks to list every individual or company currently producing cacheted first day covers, whether or not they are members of the AFDCS. There is no charge for listings; cachetmakers who wish to be included in a future edition should fill out the online form at

New editions of the directory are published when there are a number of additions or changes, so the next version may be next month or next year. The link to the latest edition — whatever it is — is on the AFDCS home page. The January 2024 edition adds 11 cachetmakers, removes 14 and updates six.

The American First Day Cover Society is a not-for-profit educational organization, with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status granted by the IRS. Established in 1955, the AFDCS also publishes handbooks, catalogues and its award-winning bimonthly journal, First Days. It also promotes first day cover exhibiting, both at Great American Stamp Show and at other stamp shows, and holds an annual cachetmaking contest.

For more information about the AFDCS, visit, e-mail or write the AFDCS at Post Office Box 27, Greer, SC 29652-0027

Tiffney Leaving Library For Linn’s

[contains material from press releases] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
From cataloguing articles to writing and editing them: The Chief Librarian and Director of Information Services at the American Philatelic Research Library, Scott Tiffney, is leaving the APRL to become an editor at Linn’s Stamps News, Scott Stamp Monthly and the Scott postage stamp catalogues, all published by Amos Media in Sidney, Ohio. Denise MCarty is managing editor at present.

Replacing Tiffney at APRL will be Marian Mills, currently the Library Technical Services Manager. [Her photo is below.] The changes take effect April 1.

“I look forward to the opportunity and challenge of continuing to contribute to the philatelic community in my new role with Amos Media,” Tiffney said in a story on the Linn’s website.

“For years, Scott has been the face, heart, and soul of the library. Under his leadership, we’ve experienced a transformation from solely brick and mortar to a worldwide philatelic resource,” said Scott English, Executive Director of the APS. “He’s embodied the members’ first mission of the APS and APRL, and he will be missed.”

In addition to his duties running the Library, Tiffney also wrote columns for American Philatelist, the American Philatelic Society’s journal, and the APRL’s Philatelic Literature Review, as well as columns for La Posta and the ASDA journal. He has also written articles silent film and library science publications.

Still, Tiffney admitted in an email interview with The Virtual Stammp Club, the switch from librarian to editor/writer will be challenging. “I welcome the opportunity in this new role to remain in the hobby while using the knowledge that I’ve gained at the APRL regarding philatelic writing and research,” he wrote. Still, “the difference between the two occupations is not as vast as one would imagine” because both involve critical thinking and presenting information to the public.

Tiffney started at the APRL as a volunteer in 2010 and joined the library staff full-time in October 2012 as the Library Research Assistant. He became the Librarian and Director of Information Services in January 2018. [We interviewed him then. Read or listen to the feature here.] Since taking over the position, Tiffney has led the growth of the Robert A. Mason Digital Library, which now hosts more than 8,700 journal issues and is growing.

“My time at the APRL has been some of the most rewarding in my professional career,” he said in the APS announcement. In his email, he added, “The decision to leave the APS/APRL was a difficult one. I’ve learned so much about the philately and those in the hobby in my nearly 14 years at the APRL, but the opportunity to try something new and still stay in the hobby was an exciting option for me. The work will definitely be different from the work I’ve done in libraries for most of my career, but at this point I was looking to explore something outside of my immediate comfort zone in order to see what else I could contribute to philately.”

He may not be moving to the Sidney, Ohio, area where Amos is located. “One of the aspects of the position that appealed to me the most was that the majority of the duties could be done remotely,” he told VSC. “I’m sure there will be times when I may need to be in Sidney, but the majority of the position can and will be done remotely which will enable me to continue to use the resources of the APRL in my new role.”

However, the real burning question from this career move is “Who will be doing the public address announcements at Great American Stamp Show?”

“That’s a great question. Auditions will be happening shortly,” Scott replied. “All kidding aside, I found going to shows like GASS and especially smaller shows one of the truly special perks in working here. It was always a treat meeting members and others in the hobby and hearing their stamp stories.”

Mills joined the APRL in December 2017, replacing Tiffney as Library Research Assistant. She received a B.S. in Library Sciences from Clarion University in 2012 and a Masters in Library and Information Sciences from Simmons University in 2017. In February 2020, the APS promoted Mills to Library Technical Services Manager, where she took over day-to-day management of the Mason Digital Library, the David Straight Memorial Philatelic Union Catalog, the APS/APRL archives, and donations of philatelic literature.

“I am honored to continue the work of the staff, Scott Tiffney, and my predecessors in making the library more accessible to our membership and researchers from around the world. In my previous positions in the library, I have been fortunate to have worked with some wonderful people: library staff, the membership, board members, and other philatelic librarians,” added Mills. “I look forward to renewing those relationships and creating new relationships as I move into this new role in the library.”

Mills is currently on maternity leave after she and her husband, Aaron Myers, welcomed their first son, Ellis, in November. She will return on March 1, 2024, to transition to her new position in April.

McClure FDC Collection Donated to AFDCS

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
McClure FDC Collection Donated to AFDCS

The extensive first day cover collection of the late Peter McClure — more than 35 boxes — has been donated to the American First Day Cover Society, and parts of it will begin appearing in AFDCS Fundraising Auctions in the near future.

“Pete” died in May 2023 at the age of 75 after a long illness. He designed many cachets, both for himself and for the AFDCS, and often serviced new issues on the first-day at his local Iowa Falls, Iowa, post office. He also collected Iowa-related issues and those for the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair stamp (Sc. 1196), Roy Rogers (Sc. 4446), Janis Joplin (Sc. 4916) and the cachets produced by the AFDCS’ Graebner Chapter in Washington, DC, of which he was a member. He talked about some of these topics in Zoom presentations he made for the AFDCS, which can be seen on the AFDCS YouTube Channel.

The AFDCS runs two of these mail/online bidding auctions a year and a “silent” auction at

Pete McClure in 2016

its annual convention, all containing material donated by its members. The sales often contain one-of-a-kind covers.

All proceeds of these sales go to the AFDCS General Fund, and help support the many AFDCS activities, including video and print publishing, advocacy and encouragement of FDC collecting and exhibiting, and cosponsorship of the big annual national stamp collecting show, Great American Stamp Show, which is next scheduled in 2024 in Hartford, Conn., August 15-18. The AFDCS also publishes its award-winning journal First Days six times a year. The American First Day Cover Society is a not-for-profit 501c3 educational organization.

For more information about the AFDCS, visit, email or write the AFDCS at Post Office Box 27, Greer, SC 29652-0027.

ATA Announces Warm Up To Topicals Virtual Programs

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
ATA’s Warm Up to Topicals Free Presentation Series Announced

Did you know that postcards played an outsized role in ensuring the existence of the United States Postal Service? That’s one of the many mysteries to be discovered when the American Topical Association presents its annual Warm Up to Topicals series of free philatelic programs on Zoom from January 16 to March 26.

ATA will offer seven presentations in this year’s winter philatelic roundup. Other topics include enhancing your collecting experience through social media, history of anti-Jewish behavior in America, a preview of the Boston 2026 World Expo, and more.

All programs are free and do not require ATA membership to attend. The 2024 presentations are:

How Picture Postcards Saved the U.S. Postal Department
With Dawn Hamman
Tuesday, January 16, 7 p.m. Eastern

Energize Your Stamp Club, Part II
With Todd Gantzer and Michele Bresso
Tuesday, January 23, 7 p.m. Eastern

Touring from the Dalmatian Coast to Budapest via the Stamps of Eastern Europe
With Alan and Diane Bauer
Tuesday, January 30, 7 p.m. Eastern

Boston 2026 World Expo Highlights
With Yamil Kouri
Tuesday, February 6, 7 p.m. Eastern

Discrimination Never Takes a Vacation
With Gregg Philipson
Tuesday, February 20, 7 p.m. Eastern

Enhance Your Hobby Experience with Social Media
With Jeff Hayward
Tuesday, March 19, 7 p.m. Eastern

Meet the Todidae Family from the Greater Antilles
With Felix L. Perez-Folch, Jr.
Tuesday, March 26, 7 p.m. Eastern

Attendance of ATA Zoom presentations requires online registration. To complete the quick and easy online registration process, go to this page. Click on the title of the desired presentation, then click “Register” to attend. For each event, you’ll be taken to a form asking for your contact information including an email address. ATA will immediately send you the presentation’s zoom link in a confirmation email.

Plan to attend them all and expand your knowledge of our philatelic world.

Three New Members Join AFDCS Board

Members of the American First Day Cover Society have elected three new members to the organization’s Board of Directors: Jeff Hayward of New York, Patrick Morgan of Missouri and Eric Wile of North Carolina. Also elected was incumbent Foster Miller of Maryland. The four candidates were unopposed.

The vote totals were:

Foster Miller
Eric Wile
Jeffrey Hayward
Patrick Morgan

In addition, Chris Calle, Mark Gereb, Michael R. Rosenthal, Catherine O’Conner, Walter George, D.A. Lux and Lisa Foster each received one write-in vote. Jack Ginsburg of the AFDCS’ Robert C. Graebner Chapter was acting chair of the Election Committee, filling in for chairman Otto Thamasett who was recovering from surgery. Filling out the committee were Roy Souther and, replacing Otto, Neal Parr. The committee received 217 ballots, of which one was disqualified.

Miller has been on the Board since 1997 and is also Chair of the Membership and Sales Departments of the AFDCS. A new member of the AFDCS, Morgan has written articles for both First Days and Topical Time, and is active in his local stamp club. Hayward, a Life Member, works in Information Technology and is active in the American Topical Association. Wile is also active in a local stamp club, has written many times for First Days, and is a cachetmaker.

Four seats on the AFDCS Board of Directors are elected each year for three-year terms, beginning Jan. 1. In addition to the 12 elected directors, the president, the editor of the official journal First Days, and the general counsel serve on the board ex officio, if not elected to the board in their own right. The board meets in person at least once a year and as needed via the internet.

AFDCS directors are not compensated for serving on the board nor reimbursed for their travel expenses.

For more information on the AFDCS, visit or write to the AFDCS, PO Box 27, Greer, SC 29652-0027, or via e-mail at