Vibrant Leaves (Postcard Rate) (US 2025)

From the USPS press release November 15, 2024:

Evoking the colorful sights of a seasonal walk in the woods, the photographs on five new postcard stamps depict leaves on trees found in the United States. Antonio Alcalá, an art director for USPS, designed the stamps.

2 thoughts on “Vibrant Leaves (Postcard Rate) (US 2025)

  1. Confused about release. USPS doesn’t state that these stamps will be released in panes. Of course, we can assume as such… However, Dahlias clearly state that they will be “released in panes of 20 and coils of 10k and 3k” respectively.

    • Configurations may change before issuance. In the past, we’ve seen pre-release illustrations that clearly showed coil-type perforations for stamps that were issued as booklets or panes.

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