Hanukkah (Canada 2023)

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
New stamp commemorates Hanukkah, one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the Jewish calendar
Also called the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah takes place from nightfall December 7 to nightfall December 15

OTTAWA – Canada Post’s latest stamp honours the eight-day festival of Hannukah, featuring an illustration of a hanukkiyah (an eight-branched menorah) surrounded by flowers and various elements associated with Hanukkah celebrations. This important holiday commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest site, after the Jewish people reclaimed it around 165 BCE.

It is said that the Temple menorah burned for eight days on a single day’s worth of olive oil. This miracle of light and faith is commemorated each year through the kindling of a Hanukkah menorah – a candelabrum bearing a row of eight candles or oil holders.

The nightly lighting of a menorah is a central element of Hanukkah celebrations. Fried foods, such as latkes and jelly doughnuts, are also strongly associated with the festival, while olives, olive branches and cruses of oil are sometimes used to represent the miracle at the heart of the Hanukkah story.

Giving small amounts of Hanukkah gelt, in the form of money or chocolate coins, has become a common practice. The Hebrew letters on the four sides of the dreidel, a spinning top that children play with during the holiday, stand for the phrase Nes gadol haya sham, which means “A great miracle happened there.”

Designed by Hélène L’Heureux, illustrated by Stephanie Carter and printed by Colour Innovations, the stamp issue includes a booklet of six Permanent™ domestic rate stamps and an Official First Day Cover cancelled in Winnipeg.

Stamps and collectibles are available at canadapost.ca and at postal outlets across Canada.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un nouveau timbre est consacré à Hanoukka, l’une des fêtes les plus célébrées du calendrier hébraïque

Aussi nommée la fête des Lumières, Hanoukka commence au coucher du soleil le 7 décembre et prend fin à la tombée de la nuit le 15 décembre.

OTTAWA, ON, le 16 nov. 2023 /CNW/ – Le plus récent timbre de Postes Canada est consacré à Hanoukka. Il présente une illustration d’une hanoukkia (une menorah à huit branches) entourée de fleurs et d’objets associés aux célébrations de la fête de huit jours. Cette fête importante commémore la réinauguration du Temple à Jérusalem, lieu le plus sacré du judaïsme, après que le peuple juif le reprend, environ 165 ans avant l’ère commune.

On dit que la menorah du Temple a brûlé pendant huit jours alors qu’il ne restait de l’huile que pour une journée. Ce miracle de l’huile et de la foi est célébré chaque année en allumant une menorah de Hanoukka, soit un chandelier de huit chandelles ou contenants d’huile en rangée.

L’allumage d’une menorah chaque soir est au cœur des célébrations de Hanoukka. Les aliments frits, comme les latkes et les beignes à la confiture, sont étroitement associés à la fête, tandis qu’on utilise parfois des olives, des branches d’olivier et des fioles d’huile pour représenter le miracle au cœur de l’histoire de Hanoukka.

Donner du gelt, soit des pièces de monnaie en chocolat ou de petits montants d’argent, est devenu une pratique courante. Les lettres hébraïques ornant les quatre faces de la toupie (dreidel) avec laquelle les enfants jouent traditionnellement forment le sigle de la phrase Nes gadol haya sham, ce qui signifie : « Un grand miracle s’est produit là-bas. »
Conçue par Hélène L’Heureux, illustrée par Stephanie Carter et imprimée par Colour Innovations, l’émission comprend un carnet de six timbres PermanentsMC au tarif du régime intérieur et un pli Premier Jour officiel oblitéré à Winnipeg.

Les timbres et autres articles de collection sont en vente à postescanada.ca et dans les comptoirs postaux d’un bout à l’autre du pays.

Diwali (Canada 2023)

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
New stamp heralds the arrival of Diwali
Stamp rings in the annual Festival of Lights celebrated around the world

VANCOUVER – Canada Post issued a new stamp today celebrating the arrival of Diwali, one of the largest, most popular, and widely celebrated festivals in India. Diwali, which is observed by Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and other communities in Canada and around the world, celebrates the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.

During Diwali celebrations, small clay oil lamps called diyas are often lit in rows in homes and temples or set adrift on rivers, while fireworks signify gratitude for health, wealth, knowledge, peace and prosperity. Additionally, colourful geometric Rangoli patterns are created in entrance ways, living rooms and courtyards, while beautiful garlands – known as toranas – are draped across the entrances and facades of homes and temples.

This year, the five-day celebration begins on November 12. This is Canada Post’s fifth Diwali stamp; the first four were issued in 2017, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

About the stamp issue
Designed by Kristine Do and illustrated by Rena Chen, the stamp’s design was inspired by the toranas that are heavily featured in Diwali celebrations. Toranas vary in form, yet this stamp highlights two traditional elements: marigold flowers and mango-tree leaves. The diyas (small clay oil) appear in the four corners of the stamp. The stamp issue is cancelled in Vancouver. Printed by Colour Innovations, the stamp issue includes a booklet of six Permanent™ domestic rate stamps and an Official First Day Cover.The stamp and collectibles are available now for purchase at post offices starting on November 9 and on store.canadapost.ca.[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un nouveau timbre annonce l’arrivée de Diwali
La fête annuelle des Lumières est célébrée partout dans le monde

VANCOUVER – Aujourd’hui, Postes Canada a émis un nouveau timbre pour souligner l’arrivée de Diwali, l’une des fêtes les plus importantes, les plus populaires et les plus célébrées en Inde. Observée par les adeptes de l’hindouisme, du bouddhisme, du jaïnisme et du sikhisme, entre autres, au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde, Diwali symbolise le triomphe de la lumière sur les ténèbres et du bien sur le mal.

Pour l’occasion, de petites lampes à huile en terre cuite, ou diyas, sont souvent allumées en rangées dans les maisons et les temples, ou déposées sur les rivières, et on illumine le ciel de feux d’artifice pour célébrer la santé, la prospérité, le savoir et la paix. Des rangolis aux formes géométriques colorées décorent les entrées des maisons, les salons et les cours, tandis que de magnifiques guirlandes, ou toranas, ornent les entrées et les façades des maisons et des temples.

Cette année, la célébration de cinq jours commence le 12 novembre. Il s’agit de la cinquième émission de timbre que Postes Canada consacre à Diwali; les quatre premières ont été produites en 2017, 2020, 2021 et 2022.

À propos de l’émission de timbre
Conçu par Kristine Do et illustré par Rena Chen, le motif du timbre de cette année s’inspire des toranas qu’on voit partout pendant les célébrations de Diwali. La forme des toranas varie, mais ce timbre est orné de deux éléments traditionnels : les œillets d’Inde et les feuilles de manguier. Dans les quatre coins du timbre se trouvent des diyas. Le timbre est oblitéré à Vancouver. Imprimée par Colour Innovations, l’émission comprend un carnet de six timbres PermanentsMC au tarif du régime intérieur et un pli Premier Jour officiel.Le timbre et les articles de collection sont en vente maintenant dans les bureaux de poste partout au Canada et àpostescanada.ca.

Mona Parsons (Remembrance Day) (Canada 2023)

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Canada Post pays tribute to the remarkable story of Mona Parsons
New stamp highlights an incredible tale of resistance, imprisonment and escape during the Second World War

WOLFVILLE, N.S. – At an event in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, on Monday, 6 November, Canada Post unveiled its annual Remembrance Day stamp honouring the remarkable courage and perseverance of Mona Parsons. During the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, Parsons helped downed airmen escape back to England. She was arrested and became the only female Canadian citizen to be imprisoned by the Nazis during the war.

Born in 1901 in Middleton, N.S. – and raised in Wolfville – Parsons had been living in the Netherlands with her Dutch husband before the war. When the Nazi occupation began in May 1940, Parsons and her husband assisted what would become known as the Dutch Resistance.

They helped hide Allied airmen whose planes had been shot down over the Netherlands, their home serving as a stopping point in the resistance network. But in 1941, an informer betrayed the couple to the Nazis and they were arrested. Parsons was sentenced to death by firing squad. She appealed the ruling, and successfully got it commuted to life with hard labour.

Transported to Germany, Parsons spent the next three years in prison – until 1945, when, during an Allied bombardment, she escaped. She then embarked on a dangerous journey out of Germany, walking 125 kilometres over three weeks to the Dutch border. By the time she arrived, her feet had become badly infected and she was emaciated, weighing just 87 pounds.

Safely back in the Netherlands, Parsons sought help from an Allied soldier. Incredibly, he was also from Nova Scotia. He was part of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders unit that had advanced into the country.

Eventually, Parsons returned to Nova Scotia, where she remarried and lived until her death in 1976.

About the stamp
The Mona Parsons stamp was designed by Larry Burke, Anna Stredulinsky from Burke & Burke. It features a portrait of Mona Parsons, with a photograph of infantry soldiers of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders advancing into the Netherlands. Printed by Lowe-Martin, the issue includes a booklet of 10 Permanent™ domestic rate stamps, an Official First Day Cover and a pane of five stamps. The cancel site is Wolfville, N.S., where Mona Parsons grew up.The stamp and collectibles are available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across Canada.xxxFrom left to right: Wendy Donovan, Mayor of Wolfville; Andria Hill-Lehr, Author of Mona Parsons: From Privilege to Prison, from Nova Scotia to Nazi Europe; and Doug Ettinger, President and CEO of Canada Post. Photo: Carolina Andrade. Courtesy Canada Post.

Holiday: Winter Scenes (Canada 2023)

From a Canada Post flyer:

Issue date: November 2

Issued in time for holiday mailing, these stamps showcase the chilly beauty of the Canadian winter through three charming and evocative illustrations: a mountain village (Permanent domestic rate), a frozen pond in a snow-covered valley (U.S. rate), and a rugged coastal landscape (international rate). A pearlescent ink applied over the areas of snow gives them a lustrous sheen.

[From the day-of-issue press release:] This year’s secular holiday stamps celebrate the frosty splendour of Canadian winters with a cross-section of snowy landscapes from across the country. Designed by Jocelyne Saulnier of Joce Creative and illustrated by Tim Zeltner, the imagery includes a mountain village (Permanent™ domestic rate), a frozen pond perfect for skating in a snow-covered valley (U.S. rate), and a rugged coastal landscape (international rate). Domestic rate stamps are available in booklets of 12, while the U.S. and international rate stamps are offered in booklets of six. A festive souvenir sheet of the three stamps is also available, along with a souvenir sheet Official First Day Cover, cancelled in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Technical Details:
Domestic Rate Booklet of 12 stamps
Quantity: 1,000,000
Price: $11.04
Denomination: Permanent™
Stamp size: 40 mm x 32 mm

U.S. Rate Booklet of 6 stamps
Quantity: 350,000
Price: $7.80
Denomination: $1.30
Stamp size: 40 mm x 32 mm

International Rate Booklet of 6 stamps
Quantity: 350,000
Price: $16.26
Denomination: $2.71 (international rate)
Stamp size: 40 mm x 32 mm

Souvenir sheet of 3 stamps
Quantity: 40,000
Price: $4.93
Denomination: 1 x Permanent™, 1 x $1.30, 1 x $2.71
Size: 128 mm x 70 mm
Design: Jocelyne Saulnier Joce Creative.
Illustration: Tim Zeltner
Printing process: Lithography 5 colours
Printing: Colour Innovations

Official First Day Cover
Quantity: 6,000
Price: $5.93
Denomination: 1 x Permanent™, 1 x $1.30, 1 x $2.71
Size: 190 mm x 112 mm
OFDC cancellation location: St. John’s NL
Design: Jocelyne Saulnier, Joce Creative.
Illustration: Tim Zeltner
Printing: Colour Innovations
Printing process: Lithography 5 colours

Madonna and Child (Canada 2023)

From a Canada Post flyer:

Issue date: November 2

Reminiscent of the stained-glass windows found in churches, the delicate rendering of the familiar image of Madonna and Child on this year’s Christmas stamp is a reminder of the sacred birth at the heart of the season. Since 2005, Canada Post has offered holiday mailers and collectors a choice of stamps featuring traditional sacred Christmas imagery or secular holiday themes.

[From the day-of-issue press release:] The timeless new Christmas stamp – designed and illustrated by Adrian Horvath – depicts the Madonna and Child in a style reminiscent of the stained-glass windows found in churches. The Permanent™ domestic rate stamp is available in booklets of 12. The Official First Day Cover is cancelled in St. Mary’s, Ontario.

Technical Details:
Booklet of 12 stamps
Quantity: 450,000
Price: $11.04
Denomination: Permanent™ (domestic rate)
Stamp size: 26.25 mm x 40 mm
Design: Adrian Horvath
Printing process: Lithography 5 colours
Printer: Colour InnovationsOfficial First Day Cover
Quantity: 5,000
Price: $1.92
Denomination: 1 x Permanent™ (domestic rate)
Size: 190 mm x 112 mm
OFDC cancellation location: St. Mary’s ON
Design: Adrian Horvath
Printer: Colour Innovations
Printing process: Lithography 5 colours

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (Canada 2023)

Updated September 27th

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Canada Post issues new stamps to commemorate National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Survivors Circle guided stamps that encourage Canadians to reflect on the truth of residential schools

BRANTFORD, ON, Sept. 27, 2023 /CNW/ – Today, Canada Post unveiled four new stamps that shed some light on the truth and legacy of residential schools, whose impacts are still felt by Indigenous Peoples today. The stamps – being released on September 28 in connection with the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30 – are the second issue in the annual series for the future of truth and reconciliation.

Featuring stark archival images of residential schools in different parts of Canada, the stamps serve as a reminder of the fear, loneliness, pain and shame experienced by generations of Indigenous children in these federally and church-created institutions. The stamp issue serves as a vehicle for truth about Canada’s residential school system to help support the process of reconciliation and, ultimately, healing.

The stamps were unveiled earlier today at the Woodland Cultural Centre in Brantford, Ontario. The centre was established in 1972 after the closing of the Mohawk Institute Residential School; a photograph of the Mohawk Institute is featured on the Official First Day Cover.Truth before reconciliation
Canada Post worked closely with the Survivors Circle of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation this year on its annual Truth and Reconciliation stamp issue. The Survivors Circle stressed the necessity to address the truth before Canadians can collectively work toward reconciliation. Canada Post thanks the Survivors Circle for their guidance and collaboration.

The residential schools and school residence featured on the stamps are Kamloops Residential School, Kamloops, British Columbia; Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School, Île-à-la-Crosse, Saskatchewan; Sept-Îles Residential School, Sept-Îles, Quebec; and Grollier Hall, Inuvik, Northwest Territories.

About the stamps
The stamp issue includes an Official First Day Cover (OFDC) and a booklet of eight Permanent™ domestic rate stamps. The front of the OFDC features the Mohawk Institute, in Brantford, Ontario – the first school in Canada’s residential school system. The cancel location is Ottawa, Ontario, the seat of the federal government, where policies of assimilation were created that forcibly separated Indigenous children from their families and communities.

The stamp products will be available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across Canada beginning on September 28, to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30.

The National Indian Residential School Crisis Line provides 24-hour support to former residential school students and their families. If you require support, please call 1 866 925 4419.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Postes Canada émet de nouveaux timbres pour souligner la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la reconciliation
Fruits d’une collaboration avec le Cercle des survivants, les timbres incitent le public à réfléchir à la vérité au sujet des pensionnats.

BRANTFORD, ON, le 27 sept. 2023 /CNW/ – Postes Canada a dévoilé aujourd’hui quatre nouveaux timbres qui apportent un éclairage sur la vérité et les séquelles des pensionnats, dont les effets sont toujours ressentis par les peuples autochtones. Les vignettes, qui seront lancées le 28 septembre en vue de la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation le 30 septembre, constituent le deuxième volet d’une série annuelle consacrée à l’avenir de la vérité et de la réconciliation.

Présentant de sombres photos d’archives de pensionnats de différentes régions du Canada, les timbres rappellent la peur, la solitude, la douleur et la honte vécues par des générations d’enfants autochtones dans ces institutions créées par le gouvernement fédéral et l’Église. L’émission sert à raconter la vérité sur le système des pensionnats du Canada et permet ainsi d’appuyer le processus de réconciliation et, ultimement, la guérison.

Les vignettes ont été dévoilées plus tôt aujourd’hui au centre culturel Woodland de Brantford, en Ontario, qui a été inauguré en 1972 à la suite de la fermeture du Mohawk Institute; une photo de l’institution figure sur le pli Premier Jour officiel.

La vérité avant la reconciliation
Postes Canada a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec le Cercle des survivants du Centre national pour la vérité et la réconciliation, qui l’a guidée dans l’élaboration de l’émission de cette année et a souligné qu’il est nécessaire d’aborder la vérité avant de pouvoir travailler ensemble à la réconciliation. Postes Canada remercie le Cercle des survivants pour ses conseils.

Voici les résidences scolaires et les pensionnats présentés sur les timbres : le pensionnat de Kamloops, à Kamloops (Colombie Britannique); le pensionnat de l’Île à la Crosse, à l’Île à la Crosse (Saskatchewan); le pensionnat de Sept Îles, à Sept Îles (Québec); et le pensionnat Grollier Hall, à Inuvik (Territoires du Nord Ouest).

À propos des timbres
L’émission de timbres comprend un pli Premier Jour officiel (PPJO) et un carnet de huit timbres PermanentsMC au tarif du régime intérieur. Une photo du Mohawk Institute de Brantford, en Ontario, la première école du système de pensionnats du Canada, figure au recto du PPJO. Le lieu d’oblitération est Ottawa, en Ontario, là où le gouvernement fédéral a créé des politiques d’assimilation pour séparer de force les enfants autochtones de leurs familles et de leurs communautés.

Les produits philatéliques seront offerts sur postescanada.ca et dans les bureaux de poste partout au pays à partir du 28 septembre en vue de la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation le 30 septembre.

Les survivants et survivantes des pensionnats et leurs familles peuvent accéder en tout temps à la ligne d’écoute téléphonique nationale de Résolution des questions des pensionnats indiens. Pour obtenir du soutien, veuillez composer le 1 866 925-4419.

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Canada Post to unveil four new stamps to commemorate National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

Canada Post invites you to attend the unveiling of four new stamps in connection with the

The 2022 T&R stamps

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Wednesday, September 27 in Brantford. This stamp issue is the second in the annual series in the Truth and Reconciliation stamp series.

The stamp products will be available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across Canada beginning on September 28, to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30.

WHO: Dale LeClair, Director of Northern and Indigenous Affairs, Canada Post
Heather George, Executive Director, Woodland Cultural Centre

WHERE: Woodland Cultural Centre
184 Mohawk Street
Brantford, Ont.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 27 at 2 pm

Willie O’Ree (Canada 2023)

[This issue was confirmed October 23rd with the media advisory of the unveiling. See below. The stamp design is here.]

VSC contributor Danforth Guy reports that “Hockey pioneer and philanthropist” touted by Canada Post for a stamp will be Willie O’Ree, “the first Black man to play in the NHL. The issue date is October 30” and the first-day city will be O’Ree’s birthplace, Fredericton, New Brunswick. (He is shown on the right in 2019.) The issue was later confirmed by Canada Post.

O’Ree was born October 15, 1935, so he will be 88 when the stamp issued. He played for the Boston Bruins. (He is shown below in 1961.) His grandparents were escaped slaves who came to Canada via the Underground Railroad.

O’Ree’s numerous honors include having his jersey retired by the Bruins in 2022; the Order of Canada, the highest civilian award for a Canadian citizen, in 2008; Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame in 2020; and a U.S. Congressional Gold Medal for his contributions to “hockey, inclusion and recreational opportunity.” O’Ree was the first player in NHL history to receive the honour. You can read more about O’Ree on Wikipedia.

The NHL produced this tribute video:

Here his speech upon induction into the Hockey Hall of Fame:

And the Royal Canadian Mint’s website has an article you may find of interest, “10 Things You May Not Know About Willie O’Ree.” We will post more information as it becomes available, although that may not be until the day of issue.

Updated October 28:
[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
New stamp celebrates hockey pioneer Willie O’Ree
Stamp pays tribute to the first Black player of the National Hockey League®

EDMONTON – Canada Post issued a new commemorative stamp honouring the life and legacy of Willie O’Ree, the National Hockey League’s first Black player. The stamp was unveiled at an event Saturday in Edmonton as part of the 2023 Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic weekend festivities.

O’Ree made history when he took the ice for the Boston Bruins® against the Montreal Canadiens® on January 18, 1958, at the Montréal Forum.

Following a trailblazing career, O’Ree has continued to inspire generations of Canadians, dedicating his life to promoting diversity and inclusion in hockey. His work encourages young people to follow their dreams despite obstacles or prejudice. In 2018, O’Ree was inducted to the Hockey Hall of Fame for his work on and off the ice, and the NHL has since created the Willie O’Ree Community Hero Award in his honour.About the stamp issue
Featuring a recent photo of O’Ree wearing his signature fedora cap and an inset photo of him in action on the ice in 1960, the stamp was designed in black and yellow to mirror his uniform colours while playing with the Boston Bruins between 1958 and 1961. The recent photo was taken by photographer Philip Cheung in O’Ree’s San Diego home. [The cover of the stamp bookleet is shown on the left.] The stamp issue is cancelled in Fredericton, New Brunswick, where O’Ree was born and raised. Printed by Colour Innovations, the stamp issue includes a booklet of six Permanent™ domestic rate stamps and an Official First Day Cover.From left to right at the unveiling Saturday: Sarah Nurse of the PWHL Toronto team; Jeff Scott, Vice-President, Community Development and Industry Growth, NHL; Evander Kane of the Edmonton Oilers; former NHLers Grant Fuhr and Anson Carter; Doug Ettinger, President and Chief Executive Office, Canada Post; Brian Jennings, Senior Executive Vice-President, Marketing, and Chief Branding Officer, NHL; former NHLer Georges Laraque; and Nazim Kadri of the Calgary Flames.

Updated October 27:
From Canada Post on Friday evening: “Unfortunately, Willie O’Ree will not be attending the unveiling on Saturday, October 28.”

Updated October 23:

Media advisory: Canada Post celebrates hockey pioneer Willie O’Re

EDMONTON – Canada Post invites media to attend the unveiling of a special stamp to celebrate the life and legacy of Willie O’Ree, first Black player of the National Hockey League®.

The upcoming stamp will be officially issued on Monday, October 30, after it is unveiled on Saturday, October 28.

WHO: Willie O’Ree will be joined by family, friends, Anson Carter (former NHL® player), Brian Jennings (Senior Executive Vice-President, Marketing, and Chief Branding Officer, NHL), Jeff Scott (Vice-President, Community Development and Industry Growth, NHL), and Doug Ettinger (President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Post).

WHERE: Wayne Gretzky Ballroom
J.W. Marriott Edmonton ICE District
10344–102 Street NW, Edmonton

WHEN: Saturday, October 28, 11 am, MT

RSVP: We request that media RSVP to media@canadapost.ca to confirm attendance.

Donald Sutherland (Canada 2023)

[This was confirmed 19 October, the day of issue. The press release is below, along with illustrations of the stamps and products.]

According to VSC contributor Danforth Guy, the clues are “‘DS’, along with a first day city of St. John, New Brunswick,” he said. “St. John, NB, is his birthplace. The issue date is October 19 for a domestic-rate (92¢) booklet of 10 self-adhesives.” The issue has not been confirmed by Canada Post.

Sutherland was born July 17, 1935, making him 88 years old now. (The photo on the left is from 2013.) His awards include an Emmy, a Golden Globe and an

Honorary Academy Award. Among his many films are “The Dirty Dozen,” “M*A*S*H” (shown on the right), “Ordinary People,” “Kelly’s Heroes” and the “Hunger Games” series. (Wikipedia’s filmography is here.)

We will provide more details as we get them, although it may not be until the day of issue.

Updated 19 December:

“I kept saying: ‘I’m a Canadian and now I’m a Canadian stamp. God damn. This is really something,” Sutherland told Canadian Broadcasting. Its main story is here. He also gave an interview to CBC Radio’s “Q” program, a summary of which is here.

Updated 19 October:

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
New stamp honours internationally acclaimed Canadian actor Donald Sutherland
The prolific performer has appeared in nearly 200 feature films and television programs over seven decades

SAINT JOHN – Canada Post issued a new stamp today commemorating the career of one of Canada’s most respected and versatile actors, Donald Sutherland.

Born on July 17, 1935, in Saint John, New Brunswick, Sutherland studied engineering and drama at the University of Toronto before moving to England to pursue his passion for acting at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

He appeared in stage productions and television shows, making his feature film debut in 1963 as “Tall Man in Nightclub” in The World Ten Times Over. In 1967, Sutherland starred in his breakthrough role as killer Vernon Pinkley in the classic Second World War film, The Dirty Dozen.

On the left, Sutherland is shown with Canada Post’s President and CEO Doug Ettinger and a framed stamp enlargement. Photo by Rossif Sutherland and courtesy Canada Post.

His first lead role in a major motion picture came in 1970 when he played Captain Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce in the bitingly dark comedy, M*A*S*H. The role transformed him into a Hollywood A-lister and one of the biggest movie stars in the world. It also earned him his first of nine Golden Globe nominations.

Sutherland’s incredible talents and eclectic tastes led him to take on a broad range of roles over the course of his seven-decade career. He is known for memorable performances in a variety of films, including Klute (1971), Ordinary People (1980), Backdraft (1991), Disclosure (1994), A Time to Kill (1996), Fallen (1998), Pride & Prejudice (2005), and The Hunger Games franchise (2012-2015).

With his international success, Sutherland has remained a proud Canadian and starred in many Canadian productions, including the TV movie Bethune (1977) and the 1990 feature film Bethune: The Making of a Hero, playing legendary Canadian Dr. Norman Bethune in both.

His work in nearly 200 films and television productions has garnered him many awards, including a Genie (1983), an Emmy (1995), two Golden Globes (1995 and 2002), the Governor General’s Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement (2000), and an Honorary Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (2017).

He has also received stars on Canada’s Walk of Fame (2000) and the Hollywood Walk of Fame (2011) and been named a Companion of the Order of Canada (2019) and a Commandeur of France’s Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (2012).

About the stamp
The movie-poster-inspired stamp, designed by Paprika and printed by Colour Innovations, features an image of the actor’s profile, with several of his movie titles in English and French. Cancelled in Sutherland’s birthplace of Saint John, the issue includes a booklet of 10 Permanent™ domestic rate stamps and an Official First Day Cover with an image of Sutherland as the character Sgt. Oddball in Kelly’s Heroes (1970).

The stamp and collectibles are available at canadapost.ca and post offices across Canada.

Added 21 October:
Technical Details:

Booklet of 10 stamps
Product number: 414239111
Denominations: 10 x Permanent™ (domestic rate)
Designer: Paprika
Flat: 136 mm (W) X 154 mm (H)
Folded: 68 mm (W) X 154 (H)
Printer: Colour Innovations
Printing process:
Quantity: 200,000

Official First Day Cover:
Product number: 414239131
Denominations: 1 x Permanent™ (domestic rate)
Dimensions: 190 mm (W) x 112 mm (H)
Quantity: 7,000
OFDC cancellation location: Saint John, New Brunswick

Quebec Feminists (Canada 2023)

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
New stamps honour legacy and lasting influence of three Quebec feminists
Stamp issue pays tribute to three activists who fought for women’s and workers’ rights

MONTRÉAL – Canada Post issued three new stamps today honouring three Quebec feminists who played a major role in the fight for equality and social justice.

The stamps feature Léa Roback, Madeleine Parent and Simonne Monet-Chartrand, all born in Montréal, who were lifelong advocates for women’s and workers’ rights and other causes. Their activism foreshadowed many of the advancements made in equality and justice in Canada.

  • Léa Roback (1903-2000) believed in unionization as a vehicle to stop the exploitation of female workers and embraced the peace movement.
  • Madeleine Parent (1918-2012) was a trade unionist who also advocated for Indigenous women and their struggle to amend theIndian Act.
  • Simonne Monet-Chartrand (1919-1993) was a human rights advocate and pacifist who took on many women’s causes and organized anti-nuclear initiatives.

Learn more about these three Quebec feminists in an extended article in the Canada Post online magazine.

About the stamp issue
Designed by Paprika, the stamps feature an archival photograph of each woman. The stamps’ white borders evoke the placards carried at rallies, picket lines and marches. The stamp issue is cancelled in Montréal, where each of these influential women was born. Printed by Lowe-Martin, the stamp issue includes a booklet of six Permanent™ domestic rate stamps and three Official First Day Covers.

The stamps and collectibles are now available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across Canada. The Official First Day Covers:Canada Post video:

Initial press advisory:
[media advisory]
New stamps honour legacy and lasting influence of three Quebec feminists

MONTRÉAL – Canada Post invites you to attend the unveiling of new stamps honouring three Quebec feminists who played a major role in the fight for equality and social justice:

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Léa_Roback" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Léa Roback (1903-2000) believed in unionization as a vehicle to stop the exploitation of female workers and embraced the peace movement.
  • Madeleine Parent (1918-2012) was a trade unionist who also advocated for Indigenous women and their struggle to amend the Indian Act.
  • Simonne Monet-Chartrand (1919-1993) was a human rights advocate and pacifist who took on many women’s causes and organized anti-nuclear initiatives.

The stamps will be unveiled on Monday, August 28, and officially issued the same day.

Who: Special guests:

  • For Léa Roback: Donna Mergler, grand-niece and neurophysiologist; Ariela Freedman, Louise Goldsteinand Judith Roback, family members; and Lorraine Pagé, President, Léa Roback Foundation.
  • For Madeleine Parent: Monique Simard, friend and Cultural Manager; and Rejeanne Priestly, friend.
  • For Simonne Monet-Chartrand: Her children, Alain, Hélène, Suzanne, Madeleine, Dominique and Philippe Chartrand.

Where: Archives nationales à Montréal
Salle Gilles-Hocquart
535 Avenue Viger Est, Montréal

When: Monday, August 28, at 5 pm ET

VSC Notes: August 28 will be the 23rd anniversary of Roback’s death.

Let’s Take The Ferry! (Canada 2023)

[from Details magazine; day of issue press release is below] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Let’s Take The Ferry!

5 stamps Issue date: 12 July

Ferries are part of Canada’s marine heritage and continue to play a role in regional transit systems. Harkening back to a more leisurely mode of travel, these stamps, featuring Canadian ferries still in service, are sure to inspire both nostalgia and wanderlust.

Built in 1993, Spirit of British Columbia has a capacity to transport 2,100 passengers and crew, plus more than 350 vehicles, on a 95-minute scenic route that crosses the Salish Sea, connecting Vancouver (Tsawwassen) and Victoria (Swartz Bay).

Chi-Cheemaun – “big canoe” in Ojibwe – crosses Lake Huron’s Georgian Bay between Tobermory, on the Bruce Peninsula, and Manitoulin Island. Built in 1974, the passenger and vehicle ferry operates from May to October, with a capacity of 643 passengers and close to 150 vehicles.

Launched in 1910, the rare side-wheeled paddle steamer Trillium was retired in 1956 but returned to service in 1976 following a two-year restoration. It now carries up to 800 passengers between Toronto and the Toronto Islands.

Named after the founder of North America’s first credit union and built in 1971, Alphonse-Desjardins can transport up to 590 passengers and more than 50 vehicles. It provides a year-round connection across the St. Lawrence River between Québec and Lévis.

Built in 1990, New Brunswick’s Grand Manan V travels in some of the highest tides in the world, carrying up to 300 residents and visitors and 60 vehicles to Grand Manan, the largest island in the Bay of Fundy.
Updated July 12th:

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
“Let’s Take the Ferry!” New stamps highlight Canada’s marine heritage
Stamp issue showcases five active ferries representing Canada from coast to coast.

OTTAWA – Canada Post is releasing five new stamps highlighting ferry transportation in Canada. Featuring five ferries that are operating in Canadian waters, the stamp issue honours the country’s rich marine heritage.

Waterway transportation has been a fundamental part of Canada’s history and development, with Indigenous Peoples traditionally using canoes, kayaks, umiaks and other vessels to hunt, transfer goods and carry people along coastal regions and across lakes and rivers. Today, ferries in Canada transport millions of passengers and vehicles each year, playing important roles in regional transit systems and the tourism industry.

The stamp issue presents five ferries, each representing different regions of Canada:

  • Spirit of British Columbia connects Vancouver (Tsawwassen) and Victoria (Swartz Bay, Vancouver Island), B.C., across the Salish Sea.
  • Chi-Cheemaun travels between Tobermory (Bruce Peninsula) and Manitoulin Island (South Baymouth), Ont., across Lake Huron’s Georgian Bay.
  • Trillium provides passage between Toronto and the Toronto Islands, Ont., across Lake Ontario.
  • Alphonse-Desjardins links Québec and Lévis, Que., across the St. Lawrence River.
  • Grand Manan V connects Blacks Harbour and Grand Manan Island, N.B., across the Bay of Fundy.

About the ferries:

  • Spirit of British Columbia has a capacity for 2,100 passengers and crew, along with more than 350 vehicles, and is one of the two largest ferries in the BC Ferries fleet. Built in 1993, the vessel was converted in 2018 to dual-fuel propulsion, allowing the ship to use liquefied natural gas and significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Chi-Cheemaun, which means “big canoe” in Ojibwe, was built in 1974 and runs from May to October. The ferry features Woodland-inspired artwork on its bow and funnel, while on-board amenities include Muskoka chairs on the upper deck and an art gallery.
  • Trillium is the oldest ferry of the stamp issue. Launched in 1910, the vessel is a rare side-wheeled paddle steamer and, at 564 gross tonnes, is the largest ferry in the Toronto fleet and can carry up to 800 passengers.
  • Alphonse-Desjardins, named after the founder of North America’s first credit union, was built in 1971 and traverses a one-kilometre span of the St. Lawrence River between Québec and Lévis year-round, offering views of the old city and its fortifications from the water.
  • Grand Manan V navigates in some of the world’s highest tides to bring visitors and residents to and from Grand Manan – the largest island in the Bay of Fundy – while providing passengers with a chance to spot wildlife, including whales and seabirds. The vessel also transports millions of dollars of lobster, salmon and dulse each year.

About the stamp issueDesigned by Lionel Gadoury and Owen Gabany of Context Creative, the stamps depict postcard-perfect photos of the ferries in their home waters. Printed by Lowe-Martin, the issue includes a booklet of 10 Permanent™ domestic rate stamps, an Official First Day Cover (a first day of issue special envelope), and a souvenir sheet of five stamps.

The stamps and collectibles are available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across Canada.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Voyage en traversier: De nouveaux timbres mettent en vedette le patrimoine maritime du Canada
L’émission présente cinq traversiers canadiens toujours en service.OTTAWA, ON, le 12 juill. 2023 /CNW/ – Saluant le riche patrimoine maritime du Canada, Postes Canada lance cinq nouveaux timbres présentant autant de traversiers canadiens toujours en service au pays.

Le transport par voie navigable fait partie intégrante de l’histoire et du développement du Canada, les peuples autochtones utilisant depuis longtemps des canots, des kayaks, des umiaks et d’autres embarcations pour la chasse et pour le transport des gens et de la marchandise le long des régions côtières, ainsi que sur les lacs et les rivières. Aujourd’hui, les traversiers canadiens accueillent des millions de personnes et de véhicules chaque année, et jouent un rôle important dans les systèmes de transport régionaux et l’industrie touristique.

L’émission de timbres met en vedette cinq traversiers, chacun représentant une région canadienne différente:

  • Le Spirit of British Columbia traverse la mer des Salish entre Vancouver (Tsawwassen) et Victoria (Swartz Bay, sur l’île de Vancouver), en Colombie-Britannique.
  • Le Chi-Cheemaun parcourt les eaux de la baie Georgienne du lac Huron entre la péninsule Bruce (Tobermory) et l’île Manitoulin (South Baymouth), en Ontario.
  • Le Trillium fait la navette sur le lac Ontario entre Toronto et les îles de Toronto, en Ontario.
  • L’Alphonse-Desjardins sillonne le fleuve Saint-Laurent entre Québec et Lévis, au Québec.
  • Le Grand Manan V relie Blacks Harbour à l’île Grand Manandans la baie de Fundy, au Nouveau-Brunswick.

À propos des traversiers

  • L’un des deux plus grands navires de BC Ferries, le Spirit of British Columbia peut transporter jusqu’à 2 100 personnes, dont l’équipage, et plus de 350 véhicules. Construit en 1993, il est doté en 2018 d’un système de propulsion à deux carburants, pouvant ainsi fonctionner au gaz naturel liquéfié et produisant considérablement moins de CO2.
  • Construit en 1974, le Chi-Cheemaun (« grand canot » en ojibwé) est en service de mai à octobre. Sa proue et sa cheminée sont ornées d’œuvres inspirées du style Woodland, alors que son pont supérieur offre des commodités comme des fauteuils Adirondack et une galerie d’art.
  • Le Trillium est le plus ancien des navires de l’émission. Rare bateau à vapeur à roues latérales, il est d’abord inauguré en 1910. Avec sa capacité de 564 tonnes brutes, il est le plus grand traversier de la flotte de Toronto et peut transporter jusqu’à 800 personnes.
  • Nommé en l’honneur du fondateur de la première coopérative de crédit en Amérique du Nord, l’Alphonse-Desjardins est construit en 1971. Il sillonne le fleuve Saint-Laurent toute l’année sur un kilomètre entre Lévis et Québec, offrant une vue sur la vieille ville et ses fortifications.
  • Le Grand Manan V navigue sur les plus hautes marées du monde pour transporter touristes et gens de la région entre le continent et l’île Grand Manan, la plus grande de la baie de Fundy, leur permettant de peut-être apercevoir des baleines et des oiseaux marins en cours de route. Le navire transporte également des millions de dollars de homard, de saumon et de main-de-mer palmée chaque année.

À propos de l’émission de timbresConçus par Lionel Gadoury et Owen Gabany de Context Creative, les timbres montrent de merveilleuses photos des traversiers sur leurs eaux respectives. Imprimée par Lowe-Martin, l’émission comprend un carnet de 10 timbres PermanentsMC au tarif du régime intérieur, un pli Premier Jour officiel (enveloppe du premier jour d’émission) et un bloc-feuillet de cinq timbres.

Les timbres et les articles de collection sont en vente sur postescanada.ca et dans les comptoirs postaux partout au pays.